Frequent Getaways & Solo Travel on the Rise

Take more vacations, it’s good for your health, and you will live longer. The Economics Times recently confirmed it in its publication “The
Secret to increase longevity has been found: The key is to take at least 3 vacays in a year”. In fact, a London study revealed that men who took three weeks or less in annual leave were found to be 37% more likely to die early. Source – The number one wellness factor for professionals who take regular time off is stress reduction.

A Getaway Can Boost Happiness

Taking trips is known to provide a happiness boost. It is a great remedy to break the monotony, and avoid depression when facing a hardship or major life changes. If you are still wondering what this new year will have in store, follow closely the rising popularity of mini vacations also called ‘staycations’. The 2018 Global Travel Insights survey found that 80% of North American travelers searched online for trips of 7 days or less. Research had previously determined that 8 days was the ideal length to reach complete relaxation. Since longer trips are usually booked months in advance and results in spending more for lodging, they can become really stressful. Shorter getaways can trigger the same happiness boost, and be booked weeks or days before.

Last minute planning is undoubtedly easier and more tempting in the internet era. For those of us begging to live in the moment and follow their desire to get away and unwind, All you need is web access and a smartphone.


Solo Travel Trending

The Adventure Travel Trade Association is confirming the solo travel trend in their 2018 trends report. One of their members says that over 80% of their millennial travelers are now choosing to go solo. Source

When someone plans to travel alone, they get the opportunity to control all aspects of the trip, spend less or more if they choose to, trace the itinerary from beginning to end and change plans during the trip if their heart desires to stay longer at one location. Solo Travel doesn’t necessarily characterize single persons only. Lots of passionate hikers and adventurers choose to challenge themselves and go for the adrenaline of discovery on their own. But if you loves solo travelling and are not in a relationship, beware it could interfere with your dating potential and make it harder to start something serious.

Solo travelers are globe trotters. They seem more interested in discovering newly developed countries, rather than visiting other nations of the western world.

Now it’s time to question yourself. Will you plan more vacation this year? Do you know anybody that experienced the solo travel trend?

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